Join us in February to hear from Chris Walsh, President, Reynolds and Reynolds about their longstanding presence in Dayton, dating back over 150 years to their establishment in 1866, and what the company foresees for the future. Chris will touch on the history of Reynolds and Reynolds, what they do, and how they help automotive retailers.
About the Speaker:
Chris Walsh has been with Reynolds for more than 35 years, holding various leadership roles in business development, operations, quality control, sales, marketing, and support. With this range of experience and knowledge, he understands the challenges and the opportunities facing automotive retailing and our customers across all of our businesses. This gives him the ability to help each dealer partner grow their business and be as successful as possible.
Breakfast Briefing Sponsors:
Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling Co., LPA, KeyBank and altafiber
Chamber Members: $40
Non-members: $60
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7:45AM Registration & Networking
8:00AM Breakfast Buffet Opens
8:30-9:15AM Program