ProLogistix - Voice of the Blue-Collar Worker

Breakout Session 1

Sinclair Conference Center
  • Kim Vidrine - Director, Strategic Solutions for ProLogistix
    A 28-year veteran of the staffing industry, Kim’s passion for providing people with resources to improve their lives continues to shine bright. Her superhero powers include being a very good listener and a proactive problem-solver. Kim began her career as a recruiter, learning first-hand what was most important to the associates she helped to find a job. Ready for her next challenge, Kim was promoted into a sales role where she learned what her clients expected, what challenges they faced, and how could she best help them. Fast-forward 20 years, Kim is the Director of Strategic Solutions for ProLogistix. Her focus remains a common theme throughout her career - listen, learn and work hard to provide new and innovative solutions and resources to the valued associates and clients her company serves.
The Voice of the Blue-Collar Worker is the nation’s largest survey of America’s hourly workers. Now in its 16th year, the survey continues to illuminate the unique factors that attract, motivate, and retain hourly employees. During our time, we’ll cover: • Key findings from our survey • How and why employees make decisions regarding their careers • How employee needs have evolved in response to the changing circumstances of the past few years • Recommendations on how to attract and retain new talent

ActionCOACH Central Ohio - Hiring and Retaining Top Talent in Today’s Logistics Industry

Breakout Session 1

Sinclair Conference Center
  • Heather Yakes - Founder
    Heather Yakes is an internationally recognized business coach—ranking in the Top 3 in the United States & Top 10 worldwide—the 2020 Coach of the Year, an employee engagement expert, and the owner of an award-winning ActionCOACH Business Coaching firm in Central Ohio. Heather spent 20+ years leading multi-billion-dollar companies in strategy, growth, sales, operations, and team building, and she now specializes in working with business owners, executives, and their teams to achieve record-high performance and profits. Her clients experience an average of 50% growth in revenue and 135% growth in profits year over year. Yakes has a background in logistics, including a logistics degree from The Ohio State University, along with certifications including Certified Professional of Supply Management (CPSM), Project Management Professional (PMP), and Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM). She has 20+ years of experience working with Fortune 100 Companies and Big 4 Consulting, and highlights of her corporate career include leading the Arthur Andersen Supply Chain Consulting team and her role as Vice President of Corporate Strategy & Purchasing for Leggett & Platt-CVP.
Do you suffer from the “I can’t find good people” syndrome? Do you struggle to attract and retain employees that you can rely on? Learn the secrets to attracting and retaining employees of all generations who are excited to come to work for you every day, who are passionate about doing great work, and who understand the impact they have on the organization.

Modula - Supply Chain Excellence: the business case for automation

Breakout Session 2

Sinclair Conference Center
  • Chris Henkel - Business Development Specialist
    Chris Henkel has been with Modula for nearly two years working to develop new markets for Modula technology. Prior to that Chris spend the majority of his career in mailing & shipping automation technology for numerous global companies. Born and raised in Cincinnati, lives on the east side of Cincinnati with his wife and three children.
Automation, robotics, IOT and AI are some of the hottest topics in supply chain management today. Connected technology is being widely deployed to increase picking speeds, reduce costs, improve accuracy, and provide better insights into customer behavior. The demand for warehouse space and the lack of warehouse operators is putting increasing pressure on supply chains and this is not going away anytime soon. The question is no longer should I automate but is how should I automate. Modula’s Business Development specialist, Chris Henkel will explore some of the key considerations involved before investing in automating your e-commerce fulfilment operation. Areas covered include ROI, footprint, picking speed, throughput, and integration with robotics and other automation.

ODW Logistics – The Future of Logistics: Creating success in Tomorrow’s Supply Chain

Breakout Session 2

Sinclair Conference Center
  • Brian Karwisch - Vice President, Integrated Solutions
    Brian Karwisch has spent the last two decades working with clients in the transportation and logistics industry. His focus is to design best in class supply chains by creating innovations, efficiencies and strategic planning throughout the process. His background includes a Masters degree in Business Administration, Six Sigma certification and numerous industry credentials. Outside of work Brian enjoys exploring the country’s national parks and attending sporting events with his wife and four children.
Over the past two years we have seen massive disruptions and volatility in the global supply chains. During this breakout session we will discuss: What does the future of the logistics industry look like and how can we apply what we have learned? What emerging technologies and innovations does the industry see as most impactful? How can we leverage best practices to successfully integrate these tools into your supply chains for future success?
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