2025 GEN D Ignite Application

The application deadline is April 4, 2025

Gen D Ignite is a seven-month-long educational program for early career professionals who are looking to grow their leadership skills, expand their personal and professional networks and more deeply engage in the Dayton community. 

This program will kick off with an overnight retreat and will conclude with a one-day closing retreat and launch ceremony in October 2025. The class will meet each month for a full-day experience that includes professional development workshops, leadership sessions with local business leaders, hands-on education sessions, coaching and more. 

Topics will include themes, such as, strategic thinking, civic engagement & civil discourse, leading with authenticity & influence, diversity, equity & inclusion, mental health & well-being & personal branding. 

Each class will have the opportunity to dive deeply into a community volunteer project that will be part of each day session. The project will be decided on by the group in an area the group wishes to make an impact on locally. 

Each program day is a unique experience that cannot be recreated. Because of this, Gen D Ignite has strict attendance requirements. The participant is required to attend, in their entirety, the opening and closing retreats and program days. In addition, the program participant will be required to participate in their community volunteer project, which may necessitate additional hours outside of the Gen D Ignite program time. If the program participant fails to meet these obligations, he or she will be asked to withdraw from the program and the tuition is non-refundable.

Both the Gen D Ignite applicant and their sponsoring organization must commit to ensuring the applicant can fulfill the requirements of the program.

Required Time Commitment
Participation in Gen D Ignite is a significant commitment of time and energy, including attendance at all retreats (mandatory) and programs.

Program Dates
Please review the dates of the 2025 mandatory retreats and program days below:

2025 Dates
April 25 Selection Notifications Emailed
May 8-9Opening Retreat (Mandatory)
June 26Personal Strengths & Professional Growth
July 31Connection & Engagement
August 28Leadership in a Changing World
September 25Planning for "What's Next" 
October 30Closing Retreat & Launch Ceremony (Mandatory)

Non-Refundable Tuition for Chamber Members: $2,000 (due no later than May 2, 2025)
Non-Refundable Tuition for Non-members: $3,500 (due no later than May 2, 2025)

Please Note: Some browser options may enable you to save or print your application responses. If yours does not, we recommend you save your community service/interest responses to a document on your desktop in case of a malfunction on your end or ours.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.


Question designed to help us achieve a diverse cohort. 

Optional- Question is designed to help us achieve a diverse cohort. 

(Please include area code)

Email you prefer to receive Gen D Ignite correspondence and communications.   

Please succinctly describe your professional journey and how it has led you to this program. (800 character limit)

In addition to professional development, this program centers on community service and building/expanding personal connections with other leaders. Please briefly share your most impactful community engagement/volunteer experience.     (800 character limit)

 Why do you want to participate in the program and what would make you the ideal candidate? Can you elaborate on not only what you hope to gain from the program, but what you would bring to the program?  (800 character limit)

What topics or skills do you hope are addressed in this program? What support would be beneficial to you at this point in your career? (800 character limit)

Please attach an updated copy of your resume. Limit your resume to 2 pages and include two references with name, organization, title and email. MS Word or PDF Documents only. Note: When editing in MS Word please accept all changes on your final copy so they are not viewable.

20MB max

Please attach a letter of recommendation from a leader who knows you well.  Limit this letter to 2 pages. MS Word or PDF Documents only. Note: When editing in MS Word please accept all changes on your final copy so they are not viewable.

20MB max

Please enter the name of the sponsoring business/organization. If you are self-sponsored, please enter N/A.

Please enter your business email address.

Is your application to participate in the Gen D Ignite program supported (financially) by your business/organization and their administrative office?

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